First and foremost I have be honest and say this has been sat in my drafts for three\four months... I know. Good job it has no expiry date and it's still completely relevant.
Let's start again. Hope your all having a positive and productive week? Mine has been peaceful and rewarding and I've learned to trust in timing. Anyhow,I'm going to try and keep this short and sweet.
This subject has been on my mind a lot lately and I find it slightly worrying. We are constantly being influenced or rather exposed left right and center by celebrities and worst of all social media. I strongly feel that there is an "influence" for us to to think we should look and act a certain way. Wether it's having a thigh gap and slightly masculine abs to the nappy looking Kim K booty, its all in front of us every single day and anything in between is deemed 'average'. With the understanding that of course we chose what we invest our time in and we are in charge our feelings but not everyone has Kanye's self esteem or enough self love to believe that they are perfect the way they are and what we are made differently.
What we all need realise is, YOU can only BE YOU and thats your advantage. So what you do/feel about you, is up to you (there's a lot of you's but you get my jist?). It all starts with self love and appreciation, even the female on Instagram with the baddest body has some insecurities and its perfectly normal. We are always looking for perfection, but does it actually exist? Don't let your insecurities get in the way of your greatness. Work with your flaws, change them if you can if not look at yourself in the mirror and say 'This is me, and I accept me for me and I wont let anyone else determine what I should look like'.
I honestly REFUSE to let anyone or anything influence or tell me about me, I have checked and READ myself from top to bottom. From my dark uneven skin, ashy knee's (heeey), flat chest to my thick thighs. You can't tell me bleep about me and if they ever try to take shots at you, you will laugh it off because you know this about yourself and you've already accepted it. My body currently resembles custard in a bin bag, but guess what.. i'm good honey, thats for me to worry about and i'm okay with that. Not because i'm perfect but because I love and accept myself for what I am and i'm not about to wait on Felicia from down the street to tell me I'm this or I'm that. Do not seek validation from anyone else. Your happiness is in your hands. Don't get caught up in this internet world because girl, it will eat you alive.
ASOS - Dress SCHUTZ via luisaviaroma - Shoes